Customer DAVID came to visit the company and had in-depth exchanges

  • 2024-01-17
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Representatives of our company warmly welcomed DAVID’s arrival and arranged detailed reception work. Accompanied by the principals of each department, the customer visited the company's production workshop.They watched the acceptance of the crusher hammer by our colleagues. It is a great affirmation of our rigorous working attitude.


Company leaders and relevant staff gave detailed answers to various questions raised by customers. Their rich professional knowledge and well-qualified working ability also left a deep mark on customers.

The accompanying personnel introduced in detail the company's main production and processing processes, the scope of use, effects of use and other related knowledge of the products. After the visit, the person in charge of the company gave a detailed introduction to the company's current development status, product technical improvements, sales cases, etc.

The customer was deeply impressed by the company's good working environment, orderly production process, strict quality control, harmonious working atmosphere, and hard-working employees, and had in-depth discussions with the company's senior management on future cooperation between the two parties, hoping that in Achieve complementary win-win and common development in future planned cooperation projects!

Feel free to contact us by telephone or email and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.